Integrity – Vision – Experience
I served more than a decade on Blanco City Council. I also served twice as Interim Mayor for the remainder of the term. During my tenure on City Council we enjoyed:
- A balanced budget
- Annual road maintenance budgeted every year
- City finances in the black

Top Issues
- Fix Blanco Streets
- Although TXDOT is responsible for State Roads in Blanco such as 163, 4th Street, and Hwy 281, the City of Blanco is solely responsible for maintaining our neighborhood streets. Recently Inframark offered a full-time employee to focus daily on potholes. The plan was presented as budget neutral for the remainder of this budget year. However, the City Council took no action. I would like to revisit this proposal.
- Citizens deserve elected officials that will work cooperatively for Blanco.
- I will strive to set an example of how we can rebuild mutual trust and respect among our elected officials.
- We CAN: Treat each other with respect, listen to other’s points of view, and work together to do the things our Citizens have been asking us to do.
- We are neighbors, it is time we got back to acting like neighbors.
- Plan for and secure long-term and secondary water resources for Blanco.
- It is imperative the Blanco continue to explore creative and forward-looking approaches to our long-term water resources.
- These ideas can include public private partnerships, rainwater capture initiatives, retreatment of waste water for reuse in certain applications, etc.
- Address the City’s Police Department issues directly.
- Changes in leadership typically change the personnel dynamic of any organization. When departmental shake-ups have occurred during my career in leading large organizations, the best first step is always to take the time to fully understand individual concerns and look at all possible contributors to retention and morale-based concerns. Root causes can be in organization structure, leadership, management, compensation, training, tolls and processes. The next council addressing this issue need an investigative look into each of these factors rather than reacting to the current rumor mill and social media arguments.
- Update the 2004 Comprehensive Master Plan:
- I was part of the team that created Blanco original Comprehensive Master Plan in 2004.
- To date, only 48% of the goals set by the community in the 2004 plan have been addressed.
- Although no planning or community surveys have taken place yet, the City expects this effort to begin in Summer of 2024 with updated surveys of our community to determine agreed goals and priorities.
- It is important to point out that the steering committee for these efforts will include folks from both sides of contentious issues with different points of view. I believe diverse points of view are needed to build a consensus toward a shared vision for Blanco that we can all get behind.
- What are the kinds of businesses and development that best fit within our desired future?
- What is the ideal best use of the remaining raw land and utility capacity in town?
- What can we execute near-term to ensure Blanco is perceived as an attractive town and maintain our vibrant Blanco community and quality of life?<
- Among other topics, considerations should be:
- What exactly is it about Blanco that gives us our unique character?
The update to our 2004 plan starts with a community wide canvassing to assess what our citizens think are the priorities to create our vision for what we want Blanco’s future to be. This should be based on professional surveys followed by town hall meetings to determine a long-term visionary plan for our Community.
By unanimous vote of the City Council I was chosen to spearhead the effort to update the 2004 plan.